Wednesday, 24 February 2016


Sometimes it's just fun to dance with friends.

Getting a new partner to spin with 

The children each brought their own dance moves and encouraged each other to dance together. 

During this time of joyfulness the children developed new friendships and understanding of each others personality. 

~ Mrs. Thwaites 

Penguin hill

This morning we ventured out to the adventure playground to explore the big hill. Ms. Cottrell told us it had a penguin slide. We were all very excited to see what she was talking about. 

We had the use determination to climb the hill because it was very icy and we all kept slipping and sliding down. 

Getting ready to slide down the hill!
Ready, set, slide! 

Some of the children found a "hidey hole" and started to climb through it. 

Look out there's a wompa coming through the hole! Hehehe!  Just kidding it's just a nursery friend being silly! 

 We didn't stop climbing and sliding for an hour and a half! We all had the best time outside. 

During our free play outside the children learned about turn taking, cooperation, determination, and courage 

~ Mrs. Thwaites

Friday, 19 February 2016

Completed Ice Fort

We showed determination and used team work to finish our Ice Fort this morning! 

Putting snow on all around each ice block to help them stick together.

It took a great deal of snow for this project! Some of the children filled a bucket with loose snow to help the builders.

We had to make sure we packed the snow really tight. Some of the children used their shovels to pat the snow down and make sure each block was secure.

More snow and more patting!!

Lining up the blocks just right takes a lot of concentration.

Carrying over blocks two at a time!!

Looking near and far for more ice blocks.

It is a group effort.

Feeling along the top of the blocks to see if they are all smooth and level. 

We are almost done! We just need a few finishing touches.

Now it looks more like a "Castle Fort!"

" needs a draw bridge!!"

Helping hands make light work!

We are all finished and so proud of all our hard work!

We can't wait to come back on Monday and make some ice furniture!! 

~ Mrs. Pollreis 

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Ice Blocks and Imagination

This morning we opened more of our milk cartons and yogurt containers to take out the ice blocks inside. Instead of working on our Ice Fort, the children used their imagination.

We are working hard to open the containers. This takes patience, team work and breaks to warm up our cold hands. 

"I'm opening my ice block. There's a really cold icy block inside!!"

"This is our ice table. We need to brush off the snow first."

Bringing over the centre piece for the table.

"It's a candle! Wait.....

  ...we need to light it!"

"I've got a donut for us to eat. Look it has a hole in the middle."

The children started pushing a large rectangular ice block up a hill.

It was heavy so it took a lot of determination and perseverance to make it to the top of the hill.

One of the children climbed on the ice block. "It's our sled!" The child slid down the hill on the ice block. Then they pushed it back up again so the other child could have a turn. 

Putting two ice blocks together to make a train. 

Having a nap with "my baby".

Running through the snow and jumping over ice block hurdles.

Some of the children decided to play with the empty containers. "I made a cake".

Two of the children used the empty yogurt containers to bake cakes. They had to fill the container with snow and pack it in before carefully turning it upside down on the table. It took a few tries before they got the technique.

Proud of their accomplishment!

"Cake SMASH!!!!!!"

We love keeping our deck and Play Garden clean and tidy, so we made sure we bagged up all the empty milk cartons and took them to the recycling bin. Did you know we recycle and compost at Nursery School?

~ Mrs. Pollreis 

Friday, 12 February 2016

Some of the people we love!

We hope all our wonderful families have a fantastic long weekend!

~ Mrs. Thwaites