Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Easter Sundaes

We made Easter Sundaes....get it... Easter Sunday....

We got to choose our own toppings.

Some of us couldn't believe our friends were eating the bowl!!

While some of us thought the bowl was the best part!!

Happy Easter and have a wonderful spring break! We will see you all back at 
Nursery School on April 4th! 

~ Mrs. Pollreis 

Thursday, 17 March 2016

St. Patrick's day Bon fire

To celebrate the luck of the Irish we had a hotdog roast with green grapes and Lemonade.

While the children sat around the fire, they learned about fire safety. The staff had placed a rope around the fire pit, which was called the "fire bubble" this allowed the children to have a visual of the safe zone. 

Almost ready to eat!!

We all enjoyed the hotdogs! All the children ate about two hotdogs each, along with a handfuls of grapes.  They were so yummy! 

~ Mrs. Thwaites

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Puddle Jumping...Swimming

The children went outside to play in the pouring rain. They were so excited to see the puddles but estatic to jump in them!

Our sand pit is a huge lake and we were able to make some big splashes!

Many of the children would run as fast as they could, jump as high as they could and land in the puddles. Not all of the children landed on their feet...some of them ended up belly flopping. Every child had a huge smile on their face and not a single child complained that they were cold or wet!

One of the children saw his brother holding a teacher's hand so he wanted to hold a teacher's hand too!

The children splashed, jumped and even swam to their hearts content.

A big thank-you to all our families for providing appropriate outdoor clothing and a change of indoor clothing so the children could all enjoy this wonderful sensory experience. The children are creating stronger connections with one another as a result of the joy, laughter, conversation and silly shenanigans that occurred during their play.

~ Mrs.Pollreis

Friday, 4 March 2016

Water exploration

Our centre received a grant to purchase a new water table for our classroom deck. For the winter months it will be brought into our nursery classroom for the children to use.

Lucky for us the teachers were so excited to see it that they rearranged the classroom so we could play with it right away.

The water table has a few different parts for the children to explore. Two of the children noticed a drain and pulled to plug. Water came pouring out! Then it cascaded down. 

The children noticed that the water table was filled with different nature items. Small and big tree cookies, star fish, sea shells, sticks, small wooden blocks and river rocks.

"They're sinking"

The children started to build in the water. Every once in a while a wave of water would come and knock over what they were building. No one seemed to mind starting over.

"It's floating"

Two children noticed that there was still water in the bucket but it wasn't coming out. They used their problem solving skills to get the water out.

"It's a starfish looker"

"Mines a Christmas tree"

"Making a boat"
"what is that?"
"It's this!"

It was wonderful to see all the children playing together, sharing and taking turns. A few of the children made the same comment while at play "I like how there is room for the whole class!"
~ Mrs. Thwaites

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Our little superheros

The children have been very excited to use their imagination and creativity to enhance their free play in the dramatic play area.
This week the teachers went shopping and found some fantastic capes and masks.

"I'm spider girl!"

" I'm the flash!"


The children had a lot of fun saving each other from the teachers and keeping the classroom safe from outsiders.
The costumes were a great way to practice sharing and turn taking during play.
~ Mrs. Thwaites