We had several exciting play experiences in the classroom this morning!!

We took out some new trains. We took turns, shared and traded the trains back and forth.

This child started connecting the trains together to make a really long train and started pulling it all around the table.

The other children noticed the long train and started connecting their trains too!

Using fine motor skills to manipulate small pieces in order to feed and care for the horses.

These children decided to set up a picnic on the carpet after one child found a checkered picnic blanket.

They showed cooperation while selecting what food, dishes and other supplies they would need for their picnic.

"I'm talking to my friend.....can you come over today?"

Showing patience and determination while working on a tricky puzzle.

Sharing the magnet letters and trying to make words. "What does this say?"

Connecting magnetic shapes to build creations.

Setting up a house for all the people to live.
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~ Mrs. Pollreis
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